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Displacement and Migration under the Cold War in East Asia: Daily Life in the Double Revolution of Vietnamese Peasants
作者 龔宜君吳鯤魯
1945年後不斷立國及作戰的越南戰禍綿延長達30年,尤其在冷戰脈絡下,戰爭持續不斷的暴力化及其遺緒,造成人口重組移植及大規模人口移動,就算因此而造成的變遷結果,並非任何政權事先計劃的,卻至今仍影響人民的日常生活。本文初步探索越南人民在軍事與社會雙重革命下,不斷地從一個地方被移植到另一個新的土地的過程,及人民因此承受戰禍之外更為混亂、複雜的苦難經驗。人民遭受迫遷、整體社會中大規模的人口重組移植、農戶的移墾經驗、農村人口流離失所等等,這些過程所造成農村社會階級/結構的變遷、小農(非佃農)階級的出現,都持續對越戰結束後的發展造成相當程度的影響。本文採用在越南中央高地得叻省(Đắk Lắk)、林同省(Lâm Đồng),以及東南部的同奈省(Đồng Nai)對移墾小農的訪談資料,勾勒出越南移墾小農在軍事/政治與社會雙重革命下所特有的遷移與日常生活。整體而言,越南的組織化的移民作為一種現象,很難用傳統的推拉理論來說明,對移民的影響應有更複雜和細緻的架構來分析。
After 1945, Vietnam has constantly involved in state-making and warmaking, as war disaster extended for 30 years. Especially in the context of the Cold War, the violent war and its legacy have caused population reorganization and large-scale population movements. Even if the result of the change is not planned by any regime in advance, but it still affects the daily life of the people. This paper explores the process of the Vietnamese people's continuous settlement from one place to another under the dual revolution of military and society, and the people's sufferings because of the chaotic and the complicated experiences beyond the scourge of war. The people have been forced to transfer on and on, the large-scale population reorganization and transplant in the whole society, the migration experience of farmers, the displacement of rural population, etc., which have caused the changes of rural social class/structure and the emergence of peasants. It has continued to have a considerable impact on the development after the end of the Vietnam War. This paper uses interviews with migrant farmers in Đắk Lắk Provience, Lâm Đồng Provience, and Đồng Nai Provience to outline the unique settlement and daily life under the double revolution in Vietnam. On the whole, Vietnam's organized immigration as a phenomenon is difficult to explain with traditional push-pull theory, and the impact on immigration should be analyzed with a more complex and detailed research frameworks.
起訖頁 199-241
關鍵詞 運動資訊網際網路社群網站科技管理行為意圖Movement informationInternetsocial networktechnological managementbehavior intentions
刊名 思與言  
期數 202003 (57::4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 冷戰時期香港「教育條例」修訂與私立專上院校發展(1948-1958)
該期刊-下一篇 冷戰與東亞安全架構的起源﹕以「美日安全保障條約」為中心(1947-1970)




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