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The Revisions of Education Ordinances and the Development of Post-Secondary College in Cold War Hong Kong. (1948-1958)
作者 陳學然張志翔
After the success of the Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949, the British Hong Kong authority realized that it must adjust its policies to cope with the bipolar global system of the Cold War. To win hearts and minds in culture Cold War, the British Hong Kong authority revised the education ordinances thrice in 1948-1958, partly to stop the infiltration of Chinese Communist agents into the colony, and party to control private schools funded by the Guomindang and the Americans. The goal of these ordinance revisions was to strike a precarious balance between the two rivaling camps which were, in turn, an extension of the global competition between the Communist World and the Free World. Paradoxically, in implementing these revisions the British Hong Kong triggered more conflicts between the two camps, resulting in more social tensions and political controversies. In this paper, we will examine the purposes and implementations of these three revisions of education ordinances, using the revisions as a lens to gauge the complexity and fluidity of Cold War Hong Kong.
起訖頁 135-198
關鍵詞 運動休閒休閒效益生存遊戲青少年身心靈Sports leisureLeisure benefitSurvival gameTeenagerMind and body
刊名 思與言  
期數 202003 (57::4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 冷戰時代的美國與世局:徐復觀的當代新儒家觀點
該期刊-下一篇 東亞冷戰下的流離轉徙:越南農民雙重革命中的日常生活




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