思與言 Thought and Words:Journal of the Humanities and Social Science
201406 (52:2期)期所有篇
採礦助餉:18 世紀初期山東的開礦熱潮與督礦調查 Mining for Fiscal Control: Bureaucratic Negotiations over Shandong Mines in Early Eighteenth-Century China
對抗臭氣:以18 世紀法國皇家醫學會全國衛生普查為中心(1776-1794) Against Odor: A Study on the National Health Surveys of the French Royal Society of Medicine in Eighteenth-Century (1776-1794)
昭和陸軍之皇道派和統制派的對外政策比較研究 Comparative Research on the Foreign Policy of the Imperial Way Faction and the Control Faction of the Showa Army