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1960 年代末期韓國的「間諜」論述與政治意涵:以李穗根、李承福事件為中心的討論
Introduction and Transformation: Social Responsibility of the Press in Taiwan Martial Law Period
作者 王恩美 (En-Mei Wang)
Since the emergence of the modern newspaper, the voice that claim for self-regulation of the media never relented. However, it has an another significance about the media of responsibility and the press self-regulation during the period of martial law in Taiwan. In the 1950s, some of the articles mentioned in the media responsibilities and the press self-regulation, but part of the premise of legislation based on the anti-communist. The responsibility doctrine that constructed by the Taiwan press in the 1950s, with "the social responsibility" that put forward by Siebert and other scholars in 1956, introducing to Taiwan by Hsieh ran zhi and Hu chuan hou in 1960 that had more specific content. And put forward the establishment of press self-regulation system within the KMT and the second Discussion of Yangmingshan, it's played more in fueling. "The social responsibility" became the famous subject of spread academia during the material law era, but also with the color of "the supreme of national benefits". The supreme of national benefits responsibility was confronted with challenges in 1980s, the academics asked the government to open news coverage and freedom of expression scales, and expected the newspapers not excessive "selfdiscipline" that hindered the Taiwan's democratization forward.
起訖頁 187-240
關鍵詞 戒嚴時期社會責任論新聞自由國民黨The Martial Law PeriodSocial ResponsibilityFreedom of the PressKMT
刊名 思與言  
期數 201406 (52:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 昭和陸軍之皇道派和統制派的對外政策比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 戒嚴時期傳媒「社會責任論」的引進與演變




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