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對抗臭氣:以18 世紀法國皇家醫學會全國衛生普查為中心(1776-1794)
Against Odor: A Study on the National Health Surveys of the French Royal Society of Medicine in Eighteenth-Century (1776-1794)
作者 陳樂元
The national health surveys launched by the French Royal Society of Medicine in 1774, characterize the formation of France as a country of public hygiene. By analyzing the archives of the French Royal Society of Medicine, this paper outlines the national health surveys conducted by this institution and further studies the principle of internal organization of this unified activity of research. This paper finds that the relationship between people and their environment was closely linked together in the research performed by the French Royal Society of Medicine. The environment was deemed as a direct factor to human health. What the national health surveys highlighted was a new mission with which the Society of Medicine was endowed: knowing and improving the environment, thus improving the quality of human health. Among all factors affecting human health, the effect of air caught especially the most attention. The Society of Medicine set cordon through the sense of smell, explored any possible place at which harmful gas would appear, and tried to adopt scientific methods to grasp the mechanism of its generation. They investigated the impact on human body caused by harmful gas generated from swamps, rivers, excreta disposal sites, cemeteries, and the crowds. They were startled to realize that human beings seemed to have fallen unconsciously into the deadly trap of poison gas. The alarm against the odor was therefore awakened.
起訖頁 63-110
關鍵詞 公共衛生法國醫學史法國皇家醫學會臭氣public hygieneFrench medical historyFrench Royal Society of Medicineodor
刊名 思與言  
期數 201406 (52:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 採礦助餉:18 世紀初期山東的開礦熱潮與督礦調查
該期刊-下一篇 昭和陸軍之皇道派和統制派的對外政策比較研究




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