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採礦助餉:18 世紀初期山東的開礦熱潮與督礦調查
Mining for Fiscal Control: Bureaucratic Negotiations over Shandong Mines in Early Eighteenth-Century China
作者 唐立宗 (Li-chung Tang)
This article explores the fiscal bargaining between center and province through the case of mining activities in Shandong in the late Kangxi reign. Local interest in mining silver and lead ores increased due to famines. People in famine-stricken Shandong saw mining as a means to reduce their financial suffering. Provincial officials also hoped to profit from mining in order to solve their own problems such as local deficits or extravagant personal expenses.However, mining was highly regulated throughout the empire. To obtain imperial permission, the governor Li Shude argued that mining profits from Shandong could fund imperial military spending and fill the imperial coffer. Emperor Kangxi was persuaded in the beginning. But he quickly discovered the reason for local officials' vested interest in mining and decided to close mining operations in Shandong. Since then, the mining centers of the Qing were developed in other places. Shandong was considered unsuitable for mining. Local officials thus had to seek other sources for solving their deficit problems.
起訖頁 1-61
關鍵詞 康熙帝李樹德陸師耗羨歸公虧空Kangxi emperorLi ShudeLu Shithe return of the meltage fee to the public coffersfiscal deficit
刊名 思與言  
期數 201406 (52:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 對抗臭氣:以18 世紀法國皇家醫學會全國衛生普查為中心(1776-1794)




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