201005 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 天聖令的發現及其歷史意義 The Discovery of Tiansheng Statutes and its Historical Significance
- 《天聖令》復原研究中的幾個問題 Several Problems about Reconstruction Research of “Tainsheng Statutes”
- 唐日醫疾令的復原與對比──對天聖令出現之再思考 A Restoration and Comparative Study about TheYuji Ling (Medical Statutes) of both Tang Dynasty and Ancient Japan ,from the Tiansheng Statutes 天聖令 (the Law of the Northern Song Dynasty)
- 唐代官人的父母喪制──以〈假寧令〉「諸喪解官」條為中心 Officials’ Parent-Mourning System in the Tang Dynasty-Focus on the Statute of Official Post Removal Due to Parent Death in the Leave Statutes
- 無冤的追求──從《天聖令.獄官令》試論唐代死刑的執行 To seek for no wrong: Probe into the execution of capital punishment in Tang Dynasty based on the “Tiansheng Prison Officer Statutes”
- 日唐營繕令營造關係條文的檢討 The Articles in the Building and Repairs Statutes in Ancient Japan and Tang China
- 《天聖令‧雜令》的比較研究 Huang, Zheng-Jian A Comparative Study on Farrago Statutes of Tiansheng Statutes
- 清律「光棍例」之由來及其立法瑕疵- The Origin of “Guang Gun Li” and Its Legislative Flaws
- 「獄成」之現場――清代後期刑事審判上的認罪口供和眾證 The field of “Yu-Cheng”: Confession and Witness of others on criminal procedure in late Qing Dynasty
- 大理院關於誠信原則的法理運用 The Legal Practice of the “Principle of Integrity” of Ta-Li-Yuan
- 梁啟超的法學貢獻及其法律思想特徵 The Contributions and Characteristics of the Legal Works of Liang Qichao
- 陶安あんど《秦漢刑罰体系の研究》述評 Arnd Helmut Hafner, The Panel System of the Qin and Han