從唐代「生祠立碑」論地方信息法制化 The Legislation of the Mudium for the Communication between the Central and the Local in the Tang Dynasty: The Discussion of the Erection of Commemorative Shrines and Steles
棧法與宋《天聖令‧廄牧令》「三棧羊」考釋 Textual Research on Zhan and“Three-Zhan Sheep”in “Animal Husbandry Statue, Tiansheng Statutes”of the Song Dynasty
明代司獄形象及其社會地位的探討 The Social Status and the Image of Prison Officials in the Ming Dynasty
明慎用刑——從故宮檔案論清朝政府的恤刑思想 The Mercy and the Punishment: the Discussion of the Thinking in the Mercy and Punishment in the Qing Dynasty by Analyzing the Archivis of the National
近代初期教派化運動與神聖羅馬帝國國家法學 The Early-Modern European Confessionalization and the Development of‘ius publicum imperii’
再議古代法律中的「親屬容隱」規定 The Further Discussion on the Provision regarding ‘Allowing the Concealment of the Relatives’ in the Chinese Ancient Laws
明末清初工商禁碑與地方法律秩序——以江南地區「禁當行碑」為中心 The Formulation and Implementation of the Law regarding the Bans on the “Provision of the Labor” by the Trade Industy in the Late Ming and Early Qing Period: A focus on the Ban in the Jiangnan District
重讀《中國法律與中國社會》——追憶瞿同祖先生 To Reinterpret Law and Society in Traditional China: Recollection of Mr. Tung-Tsu Chu