身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
202409 (22:3期)期所有篇 |
- 腦中風對親密關係與性功能影響之相關文獻回顧 The Impact of Stroke on Intimate Relationships and Sexual Function: A Literature Review
- 自我決策課程在特殊教育領域之定位及推展 Positioning and Marketing of Self-determination Courses in Special Education
- 身心障礙父母的親職經驗──以交織性為切入點 The Parenthood of Parents with Disability: Reviewing from Intersectionality
- 身心障礙社會工作專業表現之系統性文獻分析 Systematic Literature Analysis of Professional Performance in Disability Social Work
- 個別化服務計畫對身心障礙者個案管理服務的成效分析~以某市為例 A Study on the Effectiveness of Individualized Service Plans for Case Management Services for People with Disabilities: Taking a Certain City as an Example