犯罪與刑事司法研究 Crime and Criminal Justice International |
201503 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 受刑人心理特質與犯罪類型之區辨分析:以桃園監獄為例 The Analysis of Psychological Traits and Discriminant Analysis of Criminal Types of the Prisoners: Taoyuon Jail as an Example
- 臺灣大學生與警察接觸經驗和影響警察信心程度之成因探究 Taiwanese College Students' Cpontacts with the Police and Factors Shaping Their Trust in the Police
- 安全了嗎?安全網安案高危機案件的追蹤研究初探 Is It Safe? An Exploratory Study about High-risk Cases in the Safety Networks Program
- 貧窮、犯罪與社會排除:新自由主義全球化下台灣少年犯罪治理之研究 Poverty, Crime and Social Exclusion: A Research on the Juvenile Crime and Juvenile Justice in Taiwan under Global Neoliberalism