從公衛觀點談病人自主權利法與「死亡識能」的增能 From public heath perspective to discuss the Patient Autonomy Right Act and death literacy enhancement
台灣全面禁用石綿了嗎?從石綿產品的進口量看可能的管制漏洞 Is a total asbestos ban achieved in Taiwan? Probable regulatory flaws are found based on the import data of asbestos-containing materials
生命早期經驗與非傳染性疾病防治:歷史備忘錄 Early life experience and the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases: a historical note
青少年電子煙使用與吸菸意圖或吸菸行為之關聯性:系統性文獻回顧 Association of e-cigarette use with smoking intentions and behaviors among adolescents: a systematic review
以條件性收載管理協議加速癌症創新藥品的可近性 Managed entry agreement to improve access to innovative cancer medicines
台北市成年酒駕初犯者的酒精使用型態、酒癮及酒駕行為之相關性 Alcohol use pattern, alcohol dependence, and their correlation with driving under the influence in adult first-time DUI offenders in Taipei City
醫院保健志工代謝症候群培訓課程成效之研究:應用Natural Helper概念 A study of effectiveness on the metabolic syndrome training program to hospital health volunteer: applied Natural Helper concept
從醫師經驗探討醫院的醫療糾紛處理制度 Preliminary study of hospital systems for malpractice dispute management based on physicians' experiences
運用文字探勘分析全民健保與五項總額支付制度之民眾知覺感受 Application of text mining in the public perception analysis of global budget payment and National Health Insurance systems
探討慢性腎臟病患者衛教介入措施對其自我管理、生活品質及生理數值控制之長期追蹤 Effect of a prevention program on the self-management, quality of life, and disease control of patients with chronic kidney disease
從醫院到社區的四種照顧轉銜模式觀察與討論:以台灣某縣長期照顧管理中心為例 An observation and discussion of four care transfer models from hospital to community: an example of a county government long-term care management center in Taiwan