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醫院保健志工代謝症候群培訓課程成效之研究:應用Natural Helper概念
A study of effectiveness on the metabolic syndrome training program to hospital health volunteer: applied Natural Helper concept
作者 莊瑋芷陳富莉 (Fu-Li Chen)
目標:本研究旨在設計Natural Helper概念融入醫院保健志工培訓課程,探討培訓課程對於醫院保健志工的專業知能、態度與自我效能之成效。方法:採類實驗設計,研究工具包括:1.自填式問卷,內容包含代謝症候群相關知能、擔任社區保健志工態度與自我效能等;2.訓練課程教材包含:Natural Helper概念與應用、自信心訓練、代謝症候群、營養與運動認知等。實驗組進行約六小時培訓課程及面對面諮詢介入、對照組無介入課程,共分前、後、後後測三次進行問卷施測,資料採描述性統計、重複測量變異數分析與廣義估計方程式(Generalized Estimating Equation, GEE)等統計分析。結果:經GEE分析組別與時間交互作用結果顯示,代謝症候群知能部分,實驗組在後測、後後測均顯著高於對照組;擔任社區保健志工態度與自我效能部份:實驗組後測顯著高於對照組,但後後測,兩組則無顯著差異。結論:醫院保健志工培訓課程後測對於代謝症候群知能、營養知能、運動知能、態度與自我效能有立即顯著成效。但後後測僅知能部份有持續效果,擔任社區保健志工態度與自我效能部份則沒有持續成效。建議未來在教育訓練課程應強化Natural Helper自信心技能訓練及實作經驗。 Objectives: The study purpose is to design the Natural Helper concept into the hospital health volunteer training course to explore the effectiveness of the training and consultation on the professional literacy, attitude, and self-efficacy of hospital health volunteers. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was adopted in conjunction with a self-administered questionnaire and self-developed curriculum. The questionnaire incorporated of professional literacy, attitude, and self-efficacy. The curriculum content included topics on the concept and application of Natural Helpers, training on self-confidence, and concepts related to metabolic syndromes, nutrition, and exercise. The experimental group participated in an intervention program that involved a training curriculum 6 hours and consultation, whereas the control group did not participate in the program. The questionnaire was administered in a pretest, posttest, and post-posttest. The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods. Results: A GEE was adopted to analyze the interaction effect of grouping and time. The results revealed that the literacy scores of the experimental and control groups were significantly correlated in both the posttest and post-posttest. In the posttest, significant correlations were also observed between the two groups in terms of their attitude and self-efficacy scores, but no significant correlation was observed in the post-posttest. Conclusions: The training curriculum and consultation exerted an immediate and significant effect on hospital health volunteers' attitude, self-efficacy, and literacy in metabolic syndromes, nutrition, and exercise. However, the post-posttest verified that the retention effect of the intervention program was only observable in the volunteers' professional literacy. The hospital health volunteers' attitude, self-efficacy had no sustained maintenance. Subsequent about training curricula are recommended to focus on enhancing Natural Helpers' skills in maintaining self-confidence as well as increasing their practical experience.
起訖頁 167-177
關鍵詞 醫院保健志工Natural Helper態度自我效能hospital health volunteerNatural Helperattitudeself-efficacy
刊名 台灣公共衛生雜誌  
期數 201904 (38:2期)
出版單位 台灣公共衛生學會
該期刊-上一篇 作者回覆:台北市成年酒駕初犯者的酒精使用型態、酒癮及酒駕行為之相關性
該期刊-下一篇 從醫師經驗探討醫院的醫療糾紛處理制度




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