台灣公共衛生雜誌 Taiwan Journal of Public Health |
201304 (32:2期)期所有篇 |
- 肥胖的環境與生活型態因素 Environmental and lifestyle factors of obesity
- 評論:肥胖的環境與生活型態因素
- 照護連續性之文獻回顧 A literature review of continuity of care
- 兒童與青少年長期追蹤研究之未回應趨勢及其社會人口學因素 Factors related to non-response trajectories of children and adolescents in a long term follow-up study
- 台灣天主教醫院護理人員情緒勞務及心理健康之關係 The relationship between emotional labor and mental health among nurses in Catholic hospitals in Taiwan
- 企業組織健康文化與組織健康促進效能之關係 The relationship between organizational health culture and the effectiveness of health promotion activities in organizations
- 蔬果攝取頻率與中老年人認知惡化的關聯性探討 Association of the frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption with cognitive status and subsequent cognitive decline in older Taiwanese
- 印尼居家看護自覺所需照顧支持之問卷發展與驗證 Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure self-perceived needs for care supportive among Indonesian home care aides
- 台灣醫院門診降血壓處方品質之多層次分析 A multilevel analysis of quality of outpatient prescriptions to treat hypertension in Taiwan hospitals