健保居家照護使用者急診醫療利用 Emergency department utilization by National Health Insurance home-care recipients
台灣女同志之指險套使用盛行率與相關因素探討 Prevalence and associated factors of Findom use among women who have sex with women in Taiwan
台灣老人營養狀況與認知衰退之關聯性探討 The impact of nutritional status on cognitive decline in elderly Taiwanese
退休對心理健康之影響――以鎮定安眠藥之使用為指標 The effects of retirement on mental health as measured by the use of hypnotic drugs
拒菸廣告的恐懼訴求對年輕族群的說服效果:調控焦點與訊息框架之影響 The persuasive effect of an appeal to fear in anti-tobacco advertisements: the influences of self-regulation and message framing in young adults
比較身體質量指數及腰圍預測台灣中老年人糖尿病風險之能力 A comparison of the abilities of Body Mass Index and waist circumference to predict the risk of diabetes in mid- and old-age Taiwanese
國人使用輔助與替代醫療現況及其相關因素:2011年全國性調查分析 Conditions for the use of complementary and alternative medicine in Taiwan: a nationwide survey analysis for 2011