廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯 Lingual, Literary, and Cultural Translation |
201001 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣兩性關係暢銷書的翻譯與性別再現 Translation and Gender Representation of Self-help Bestsellers for Improving Relationships in Taiwan
- 翻譯、番易、褪色的現代主義:以王文興《家變》英譯本為例 Translation, Transformation, and Faded-out Modernism: A study of English translation of Wang Wen‐hsing’s Family Catastrophe
- 對日華語教學法的一個新的提示——「軟誘導方式」與「翻譯訓練法」在教學上的應用 A new teaching method for the Chinese learners in Japan: Combines the “soft approaches” and the “interpreter-training method” as its two components
- 跟述練習應用在華語初學者上之成效:提升日本自學者的聲韻感 Evaluations of Shadowing Exercises for Novice Chinese Learners: Phonological Performances of Japanese Self-learners
- 動物商標的文化翻譯 The Translations of Animal Trademarks Across–cultures