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Translation and Gender Representation of Self-help Bestsellers for Improving Relationships in Taiwan
作者 李根芳
本論文擬從性別研究的角度出發,探討兩性暢銷書的翻譯與性別角色的再現。有關翻譯類暢銷書的課題幾乎鮮少受到研究者的重視,學界對於暢銷書的研究可說是寥寥無幾,更遑論翻譯類的暢銷書了。但是近幾年來翻譯類暢銷書動輒銷售達數十萬冊,其普及的程度及影響力卻未獲得進一步的分析,對於了解台灣過去的文化、社會變遷,似乎是有所不足的。 本研究將範圍鎖定在台灣最早提出的金石堂排行榜名單,檢視自1983年最早的暢銷書排行榜名單迄今,翻譯類書籍所呈現的性別角色在台灣的暢銷書排行榜名單裡有何變遷,反映出何種性別文化政治樣態。過去數十年來這類翻譯作品有什麼變化?本土創作的兩性關係暢銷書在題材上和寫作風格上是否受到外來作品影響?隨著台灣社會的愈益開放,一般讀者對性別角色認同是否有不同的期待與想法?不容否認的是,台灣由於地緣政治關係,種種文化現象也深受日本影響,本研究限於能力、時間的限制,將對比的範圍限定在英美此類翻譯暢銷書和台灣作品的對比參照。 如果從性別研究的角度切入,我們也必須考量第一世界女性主義觀點和第三世界女性主義觀點之間的協商和衝突。本論文將針對兩性議題及性別再現來檢視這類暢銷書在排行榜上的消長,探討兩性關係暢銷書的翻譯與本土創作對台灣文化的性別再現有何影響。
This paper aims to examine how women’s role is represented in the subgenre of Taiwan’s self-help bestsellers for improving relationships. Bestsellers are normally regarded as part of popular culture and the contents are clichéd and formulaic, yet there is no denying that they also reflect social changes, the public desire and to a certain extent, the Zeitgeist. Though buying a book does not necessarily mean the book has been read, it at least shows what interests people. As American critic, Michael Korda, claims, the list is like a mirror that reflects who we are, what we want, what interests us. It can be seen as a map of the social change and the microcosm of the mainstream ideologies. To further complicate the issues, translation has increasingly played a significant role in Taiwan’s publishing industry in recent decades. Yet, its impact on our culture and society has rarely been investigated. Thus, I’ll look at how domestic writers and translated works give guidelines to modern women and what image of women these self-help bestsellers portray and what impact they may have on women. To examine the representations of women’s image in these self-help bestsellers, we can also trace the transformation of women’s role throughout the recent decades.
起訖頁 21-42
關鍵詞 再現性別角色暢銷書認同政治文化翻譯representationgender rolebestselleridentity politics cultural translation
刊名 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯  
期數 201001 (3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院翻譯與跨文化研究中心(原:政治大學外國語文學院翻譯中心)
該期刊-下一篇 翻譯、番易、褪色的現代主義:以王文興《家變》英譯本為例




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