月旦法學雜誌 The Taiwan Law Review |
201605 (252期)期所有篇 |
- 論消費者保護訴訟 The Study on the Action of the Customer-Protection
- 兩岸消費訴外紛爭解決機制之開展──從臺灣法出發並借鏡歐盟之規範 Research on Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanism for Consumer Disputes Across the Taiwan Strait - Starting from the Regulation of Consumer Dispute Resolution in Taiwan and Refer to Directive on Consumer ADR and Regulation on Consumer ODR of EU
- 沒收之估算 The Estimation of Confiscation
- 評析減免沒收條款 Review on the Reduction of Criminal Confiscation Law
- 第三人犯罪所得之沒收 Confiscation of Third-Party Incomes Derived from Criminal Proceeds
- 臺灣菸害防制法菸品包裝管制之合憲性與合法性論議 On the Constitutionality and Legality of the Regulation on Tobacco Packaging under the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act in Taiwan
- 程序監理人制度施行後之問題與對策 The Problems and Solutions of the Practice of the Guardian ad Litem System in Taiwan
- 金融管理法規關係人範圍與法律適用問題之探討──兼論海外子公司是否有證券交易法第一七一條第一項第一款至第三款之適用 A Study Regarding the Scope and Practice of the Affiliate or Related Party in Financial Regulations – Including a Discussion Regarding Whether Article 171, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1-3 of the Securities and Exchange Act Apply to Overseas Subsidiaries
- 公親變事主?--法律人不可不知的稅務風險 Tax Agent, Recovery of the Land with Name-Borrowing Registration, Division of the Co-owned Land, the Manager for the Property of the Deceased, Liquidator
- 食品安全風險評估法制化的理念與相關實踐 The Conception and Practice on the Legalization of Food Safety Risk Assessment
- 封鎖境外侵權網站之立法與案例發展──英國Newsbin2案件評析 Legislative and Case Development Concerning Site-Blocking Orders Against Overseas Infringing Websites
- 餐飲業之消保法商品及服務責任──熱紅茶案判決評析 Product and Service Liability of Food and Drink Providers under Taiwan Consumer Protection Act-Comments on the Hot Black Tea Case
- 處在德國法與歐洲法緊張氛圍下的通信紀錄調取(譯文) Inquiries Concerning Telecommunication Traffic Data between the Challenges of German and European Law
- 文獻新訊