論有限合夥之治理構造 The Governing Structure of Limited Partnership
有限合夥法評析──以文創電影產業採用有限合夥組織為題 The Statutory Authorities of the Consumers Protection Agency—The Federal Trade Commission of the U.S. as a Comparative Agency
有限合夥之稅捐負擔分析 Tax Burden Analysis of the Limited Partnership
命被告退庭行隔別訊問之缺席審判──探究刑事訴訟法第一六九條的失落法理 The Ex Parte Verdict That Order the Defendant to Leave the Court and Examine Separately–Study on the Lost Theory of Article 169 of the Code of Criminal Procedure
監視科技設備與交通違規執法 Monitoring Technology Equipments and Traffic Enforcement
身分關係的習慣與法律發展之初探 An Exploration of Customs Regarding to the Family and Succession Relations and the Development of the Law
網路運輸業興起對臺灣汽車運輸業管理架構之影響 Impacts of the Burgeoning Online Carrier Industry on Taiwan’s Regulatory Framework over Automotive Industry
第三方支付中之消費者保護機制 The Consumer Protection Mechanism of the Third Party Payment Service
歐盟生物科技與食品安全政策 The EU Biotechnology and Food Safety Policy