「吳園」:邊陲內地富庶氣勢的山水凝映及原鄉想望--清中葉吳麟舍家族在台灣府城的古典園林空間美學建構 Wu Garden': 'Shan-Shui' Reflection and Homeland Yearning of the Imposing Local Affluence in New Periphery-inner-land - Spatial-Aesthetical Construction of Chinese Classical Garden by 'Wu-lin She' Family in 'Taiwan Fu-cheng' during Middle Qing Dynasty
都市社會運動的顯性文化轉向?1990年代迄今的台北經驗 The Manifest Cultural Turn for Urban Social Movements? Taipei Experience, 1990s-2000s
概念的外延:以「社區」一詞為例 Denotation of Concepts - Taking the Term 'Community' as an Example
中國古代城郭都市型態簡論--坊市革命以前華夏都城型態的聚合、分化與其制度化程序 An Outline History of the Chinese Capital Morphology: The Agglomeration, Differentiation and the Procedures of Institutionalization of the Chinese Capitals before Medieval City Revolution