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The Cultural Expression of the Strategies for Urban Redevelopment in Globalizing Taipei
作者 夏鑄九
This paper pays attention on the strategies for urban redevelopment and their cultural expression of the public art in globalizing Taipei. First, the author describes the project of ”turn over the axis” proposed by the municipal government in the April 2004 to overcome the problems of social inclusion/exclusion and the shadows of spatial segregation. This urban redevelopment strategy was called ”the Plan of Cultural Park of Northern Da-tung”. Then, the context of project formation, the content, and the implementation process are analyzed. Expectably, the local residence resisted the project due to the technical omission of ”the Confucius Cultural Park” and the typical environmental determinist ideas of the Trinity of the Confucius temple, the Da-lung primary school and Pao-an Gong. After that, the political will of the major lack worthy succession and the input from the different directors of the municipal government were withdrawn. Therefore, the public art project of Da-tung Sewage Disposal Plant promoted by the Bureau of Cultural Affairs of Taipei Municipal Government was almost like a forgotten soldier in the trench. Finally, the reflection on the implementation process and the spatial symbolic expression are discussed in the conclusion.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 都市政策老市中心與內城再發展策略都市政治公共藝術台北市urban policyold city center and inner cityredevelopment strategyurban politicspublic artsTaipei City
刊名 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報  
期數 201012 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
該期刊-下一篇 「吳園」:邊陲內地富庶氣勢的山水凝映及原鄉想望--清中葉吳麟舍家族在台灣府城的古典園林空間美學建構




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