台大日本語文研究 NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature |
200506 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 吉田松陰之生死觀 Yoshida-Shouin`s outlook on life and death
- 『民俗臺灣』にみる有形物──民藝民具を中心に Physical things of『FOLK CUSTOMS OF TAIWAN』– centering around ”folk arts and folk tools”
- 從位相論的觀點對「騙す」之相關類義語群進行考察及意義分析 A Semantic Analysis on “prototype” and Semantic Structure of a Japanese verb ”deceive” and Synonyms for the word “deceive”, and Categorization of These Synonyms by Applying Topological Theory
- 飄浪女的「戀愛幻想」──林芙美子《浮雲》 The Love Fantasies of A Wandering Woman–On “The Drifting Cloud” by Hayasi Fumiko
- 「ナル」的多重語義結構 A Study of the Polysemic Structure of Naru
- 從甲午戰爭到進駐臺北城為止日本國內大報紙上的臺灣認識 The Content Analysis of Newspapers in Japan: Taiwan Issues From the Ni-Sin War to Entering Taipei City