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Physical things of『FOLK CUSTOMS OF TAIWAN』– centering around ”folk arts and folk tools”
作者 陳艶紅
When getting the publication like books or magazines, we were always attracted by its photos、pictures and so on. Because of『FOLK CUSTOMS OF TAIWAN』 is one of the most popular all around magazines in the later of Japanese colonization period, so the photos and pictures had lots of fascination. All people built up the『FOLK CUSTOMS OF TAIWAN』 were Kenzo-Matsuyama by photos, Tetsuoumi-Tateishi by the pictures and Takeo-Kanazeki of the publisher. Also Toshio-Ikeda of the editor had built up the physical thing's description. The photos and pictures were all folk arts or folk tools for civil at that time. They were always close to our daily life. What 「folk arts」is “come from our daily life, native arts. It also accompany utility and simplicity.” written in『KOJIEN』dictionary. Yanagi went around island Taiwan when he was a director of Japan folk arts. Finding out more material for self sufficiency in the tension situation in Taiwan is the only purpose for him. And the guidance just were Kanazeki and Tateishi. This study tries to taking in Tateishi's folk print but also Matsuyama's graph picture as the beginning, the words contains from contributors as a horizontal and notes written by the director of Yanagi during in Taiwan travel term as a spindle. I hope can deal one page as to ordinary usage and beauty through the professor visual.
起訖頁 29-58
關鍵詞 松山虔三立石鐵臣柳宗悦有形物Kenzo-MatsuyamaTetsuoumi-TateishiSoetsu-YanagiPhysical things
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200506 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 吉田松陰之生死觀
該期刊-下一篇 從位相論的觀點對「騙す」之相關類義語群進行考察及意義分析




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