土地經濟年刊 Land Economics Annual Publication |
201507 (26期)期所有篇 |
- 低碳都市評估指標系統之建構與分析 Research on Low-Carbon City Indicator System
- 環境政策工具中民眾參與機制之剖析與整合──以環境影響評估制度為例 The Analysis and Integrated Suggestions of Citizen Participation in Environmental Policy Instrument-A Case Study of Environmental Impact Assessment
- 從憲法保障人民權利視角建構行政程序人民參與形式之選擇基準 The Selection Criterion of People Participating in the form of Administrative Procedures Constructed from the Perspective of the Constitution Protection for the People's Fundamental Rights
- 從土地開發利用行政特徵建構程序上人民參與形式之選擇原則 Principles for Determining Appropriate forms of the People Participation According to the Administrative Features Establishing Procedures Related to Land Development and Utilization
- 從小地主大佃農政策論承租農地對農地利用之影響 The Impact of Farmland Leasing on Farmland Utilization: Based on the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" Program
- 土地槓桿比率於基準地評價之實證分析 An Empirical Analysis of Land Leverage in Taiwan