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An Empirical Analysis of Land Leverage in Taiwan
作者 葉士郁吳承曄陳奉瑤
關於房地產價格不斷上漲的原因有諸多論述,包含政策、經濟等因素,過去的研究亦針對影響房地產的各種因素進行實證分析,試圖找出臺灣房地產價格高漲的根源。Bostic et al.於2007年提出土地槓桿假說,認為房地產價格主要受到土地價格變動的影響,並且在土地槓桿比率越高的情形,產生槓桿效果,其房地產價格的波動性越大。本文以臺灣2014年五個直轄市之基準地價格資料進行實證分析,基於土地槓桿假說,分析不同區位與特徵形成土地槓桿比率的差異,提出土地槓桿比率的應用,進一步並以基準地評價資料所發現之問題,提供改進基準地評價的建議。 The reason of why the housing price grows high and continuingly have different opinions, including policy, economy and so on .In past, most of researches try to find out the key point of the cause of high housing price by empirical analysis from macroscopic viewpoint. Bostic et al. (2007) raised "Land Leverage Hypothesis", which pointed out housing price is influenced by land price. The higher the land leverage ratio is, the much instable in housing price will be. This paper makes an empirical analysis of land leverage by the data of benchmark land assessment in five municipalities in Taiwan. Base on the land leverage hypothesis, we analyze the form of land leverage by different location and other features, and point out the defect of benchmark land. Finally, we propose suggestions of the application of land leverage and the assess method of benchmark land.
The reason of why the housing price grows high and continuingly have different opinions, including policy, economy and so on .In past, most of researches try to find out the key point of the cause of high housing price by empirical analysis from macroscopic viewpoint. Bostic et al. (2007) raised "Land Leverage Hypothesis", which pointed out housing price is influenced by land price. The higher the land leverage ratio is, the much instable in housing price will be. This paper makes an empirical analysis of land leverage by the data of benchmark land assessment in five municipalities in Taiwan. Base on the land leverage hypothesis, we analyze the form of land leverage by different location and other features, and point out the defect of benchmark land. Finally, we propose suggestions of the application of land leverage and the assess method of benchmark land.
起訖頁 138-169
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201507 (26期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-上一篇 從小地主大佃農政策論承租農地對農地利用之影響




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