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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
The Impact of Farmland Leasing on Farmland Utilization: Based on the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" Program |
作者 |
張雅惠 (Ya-Hui Chang) |
中文摘要 |
Looking back the agricultural land policies in Taiwan have been through several shifts and reforms during the past six decades. In 1949, to revitalize sluggish cultivation, the government undertook the first reform "create farmers own agricultural land" policies to motivate crop farming and improve farmers' lives. At present, however, the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" program was rolled out to encourage landowners to lease fallow plots to help tenants farmers expand their business scale. But does this program help raise production and what are the subsequent impacts in terms of farmland utilization? In addition to a close review of archives, this thesis also surveyed and found the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" program shows positive impacts on utilizing farmlands, and it satisfies the need for expanding farmers' business scale. In the end, this thesis analyzes the weak program performance and makes a number of recommendations to conclude. |
英文摘要 |
Looking back the agricultural land policies in Taiwan have been through several shifts and reforms during the past six decades. In 1949, to revitalize sluggish cultivation, the government undertook the first reform "create farmers own agricultural land" policies to motivate crop farming and improve farmers' lives. At present, however, the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" program was rolled out to encourage landowners to lease fallow plots to help tenants farmers expand their business scale. But does this program help raise production and what are the subsequent impacts in terms of farmland utilization? In addition to a close review of archives, this thesis also surveyed and found the "Small Landlords and Big Tenants" program shows positive impacts on utilizing farmlands, and it satisfies the need for expanding farmers' business scale. In the end, this thesis analyzes the weak program performance and makes a number of recommendations to conclude. |
起訖頁 |
111-137 |
刊名 |
土地經濟年刊 |
期數 |
201507 (26期) |
出版單位 |
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從土地開發利用行政特徵建構程序上人民參與形式之選擇原則 |
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土地槓桿比率於基準地評價之實證分析 |