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Research on Low-Carbon City Indicator System
作者 沈育生
都市為人類活動高度集聚之處,不僅是人口、建築、交通、工業、物流的集中地,同時也是高耗能、高碳排放之處(Kennedy et al., 2011),都市過量的CO_2排放是造成全球暖化與氣候變遷的主因。面對此等威脅,全球多數的政府,雖相繼以低碳都市作為發展訴求,但不少卻缺乏相對應適合該國或該都市特性之評估指標系統。因此,故本文以低碳都市為主題,根據低碳都市的內涵、理念與目標,研撰適宜之評估指標系統,透過因子分析定權法進行評估指標的擇取,藉此評估台灣各縣市的低碳發展狀態,並將台灣各縣市劃分群落,以提供作為未來都市規劃之參考。根據實證結果顯示,低碳都市評估指標系統,包括「經濟及財政狀態」、「資源消耗」、「環境保育及健康發展」、「地區發展」、「社會狀態」等5構面,共25個指標。而台灣各縣市在低碳發展的綜合表現上,以台北市的狀態最佳,而以彰化縣表現最差。 Cities are not only the high concentration sites for human activity, but also the place for high carbon emissions. In addition, the excessive CO_2 emission from city is one of the main causes of global warming and climate change. Facing the situation, most city governments in the world have set up low-carbon urban development as goal, but lacked the corresponding evaluation indicator system to measure it. Therefore, this paper is to establish the appropriate indicator system of low-carbon and intelligent city by factor analysis rating method, and evaluate the status of low-carbon and intelligent cities within the Taiwan domain. According to the results, there are five aspects for low-carbon cities: 1) economical and fiscal status, 2) and resource consumption, 3) environmental conservation and healthy status, 4) local development and 5) social status. Based on the comprehensive performance of the low-carbon city indicator system, Taipei City shows the best performance, whereas Changhua County shows the worst performance.
Cities are not only the high concentration sites for human activity, but also the place for high carbon emissions. In addition, the excessive CO_2 emission from city is one of the main causes of global warming and climate change. Facing the situation, most city governments in the world have set up low-carbon urban development as goal, but lacked the corresponding evaluation indicator system to measure it. Therefore, this paper is to establish the appropriate indicator system of low-carbon and intelligent city by factor analysis rating method, and evaluate the status of low-carbon and intelligent cities within the Taiwan domain. According to the results, there are five aspects for low-carbon cities: 1) economical and fiscal status, 2) and resource consumption, 3) environmental conservation and healthy status, 4) local development and 5) social status. Based on the comprehensive performance of the low-carbon city indicator system, Taipei City shows the best performance, whereas Changhua County shows the worst performance.
起訖頁 1-24
刊名 土地經濟年刊  
期數 201507 (26期)
出版單位 中國地政研究所
該期刊-下一篇 環境政策工具中民眾參與機制之剖析與整合──以環境影響評估制度為例




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