政治科學論叢 Political Science Review |
201112 (50期)期所有篇 |
- 孟子政治思想中義利之辨的分析:四種主要類型的探討 An Analysis of the Distinction between Propriety and Benefit in Mencius’s Political Thought
- 公民參與導向之政策個案教學實證研究:名義群體技術的應用 An Empirical Study on Policy Case-Based Teaching of Citizen Participation: The Application of Nominal Group Techniques
- 褐地重建中的社會資本與政府效能:日本熊本縣水俁市有機水銀污染個案分析 Social Capital and Government Effectiveness in Brownfield Redevelopment: The Case of Methyl Mercury Poisoning in Minamata, Japan
- 全球環境治理與國內政治之互動:以ICCAT削減台灣大目鮪配額案為例 The Interactions between Global Environmental Governance and Domestic Politics: The ICCAT Slashing of Taiwan’s Bigeye Tuna Quota in 2005