東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
202206 (57期)期所有篇 |
- 隨義而發:從范仲淹詮釋《易》的方法看宋學典範的形塑 Following the Righteousness: From Fan Zhongyan's Study on the Book of Changes to See the paradigm of Song Learning
- 《幼學瓊林.鳥獸部》的編纂特色與意義 The Compilation Features and Significance of Birds and Beasts of Youxue qionglin
- 臺灣古典詩文中的蝗災書寫 The Locust Plague Writing of the Taiwanese Classical Literature
- 發而為聲:艾青散文化詩歌之精神、修辭與朗誦實踐問題 A Discuss of Ai Qing's Prosified Poems, for Its Zeitgeist, Rhetoric, and Recitation