東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
201109 (15期)期所有篇 |
- 劉知幾的史學觀與經學觀 Liou-Jy-Ji's views of historiography and classic
- 論張先之造影藝術──以「無影詞」為考察對象 Zhang Xian of the shadow on the art of writing─To ‘shadowless words’ as the object
- 浩瀚詞海的遺珠──李禎詞探析 The Undiscovered Talent in the Sea of Words—An Analysis of Li Zhen Ci
- 「《說文》四大家」形成溯源:一個學術史的考察 The Original Forming of Four Big Sects of “ShuiWen (說文)": A Research of Academic History
- 夢的建構與失落──試論邱妙津小說中的書寫策略 The Establishment and Losing of the Dream -- Writing Strategy in Chiou Miao Jin's Fictions
- 從重疊詞的詞彙語法運用看臺灣閩南語歇後語的多樣表現 From the overlap word’s structure and grammar to observe the diversity performance of Xie-hou-yu in Taiwanese Min Nan language
- 談「藏書印」與「藏書票」 Discuss“Signet For Book Collection” and “Exlibris ”