東吳中文線上學術論文 Soochow Journal of Chinese literature online |
200803 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 《禮記‧學記》「化民成俗章」鄭注孔疏商榷 Interpretation and discussion by Cheng Hsuan and Kung Ying-ta on “Chapter on Shifting the Established Customs” in The Classic of Rites‧ Xueji
- 蘇軾詩詞中之「欣然」意──以元豐八年為例 The Meaning of “With Pleasure” of SU Chih’s verse ─at the Eighth Year of Yuan- Feng Period of SUNG Dynasty
- 由序引、尺牘小品看袁小修之文論 Evaluation of Yuan Xiaoxiu's Theories on Literature through His Works (Prefaces and Letters)
- 大一國文中的「語文智慧」──淺析《干祿字書‧序》文字、文學、書法三度空間的線上教學 Chinese of Linguistic Intelligence: Research on E-learning of Gan Lu Zi Shu Contains Three Parts of Word Character, Literature, and Calligraphy
- 試論吳炳《綠牡丹》之喜劇衝突 On comic collision in Lu-mu-dan by Wu-Bing
- 孔廣森《大戴禮記補注》的思想取向 Kong Guangsen's Dai De Lijing add annotation of Thought Mindset
- 《品花寶鑑》時空形式之經營 Management of space and time about“Pin Hua Bao Jang”
- 孫衣言及其《永嘉叢書》研究 A Study of Yiyan Sun and His Yongjia Series
- 聞一多的〈詩經詞類〉商榷 Deliberating over Wen Yi-Duo’s“The Word Class of SHIJUNG ”