屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201403 (3期)期所有篇 |
- 柔道運動員專項力量特性之研究 The study of judo special strength Characteristics
- 客服人員休閒阻礙與休閒協商關係之研究──以中華電信行動通信營運處為例 A Study of the Relationship between Leisure Constraints and Leisure Negotiation with Call Center Employees─A Case of Chunghwa Telecom Mobile Business Group
- 體育系學生的性別角色分化與自我概念之探討──以國立臺灣師範大學為例 An Exploration of the Relationship between Sex Role and Self-Concept of Students from Physical Education Department: An Example of National Taiwan Normal University
- 家長式領導行為對賽前狀態性焦慮與團隊滿意度關係之研究 The Relationship of Paternalistic leadership, competitive state anxiety, satisfaction with the relationship between research teams
- 小學健康與體育領域教師教育專業信念與教師壓力之研究 A Study on Teachers’ Educational Profession Beliefs and Stress among Elementary School Teachers in the Field of Health and Physical Education
- 熱身運動與伸展型態對衝刺跑之影響 A Study of the Impact of Warm-Up and Stretch on the Sprint Performance
- 不同鞋底設計對慢跑時衝擊力之探討 Effect of different outsole designed to impact force during jogging
- 登山團隊成員身分組構之探析 The constructing of member’s status in mountaineering team