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A Study of the Impact of Warm-Up and Stretch on the Sprint Performance
作者 陳聖峰馬上閔廖翌玲
目的:本研究之目的在探討不同熱身程度(有、無)、伸展型態(靜態、動態)對大學生衝刺跑成績之影響。方法:受試者為南部某科技大學48名男性學生,測驗方式為20公尺衝刺跑,並以隨機分派方式將受試者分成四組,測驗結果以二因子變異數(two-way ANOVA)進行分析,比較介入不同熱身程度及伸展型態之受試者,對於其衝刺跑表現的影響。資料經統計分析後,所得結果如下:不同熱身程度與伸展型態間的交互作用達顯著差異(F=5.004,p<.05),經單純主要效果比較分析發現:(一)在受試者有從事熱身運動時,動態伸展組衝刺跑成績顯著優於靜態伸展組(F=10.615,p=.004<.05);(二)在靜態伸展組而言,無熱身組其衝刺跑成績顯著優於有熱身組(F=6.701,p=.017<.05)。本研究顯示運動前從事熱身運動加上動態伸展對於提升運動表現有相當大的幫助,未來針對二者之交互作用關係,仍頇更多實證研究加以證實。 The purpose of this study was to examine how the levels of warm-up (yes v.s. no) and stretch (Static stretch group v.s. dynamic stretch group) influenced the sprint performance. A sample of 48 college students was obtained and was then randomly assigned to four groups. A test of 20m-sprint performance was applied to the sample. The collected data was subsequently analyzed with two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the interaction effect was statistically significant (F=5.004 , p<.05). A simple main effect analysis revealed that (1) when the sprinters did the warm-up, the sprint performance of the dynamic stretch group was statistically significant better than that of the static stretch group; (2) in terms of the static stretch group, the sprint performance of the non-warm-up group was statistically significant better than that of the warm-up group (F=6.701, p=.017<.05). Findings suggested that doing warm-up together with the dynamic stretch before main exercise would possibly improve the sprint performance. Further research will be needed to examine the interaction between the warm-up and the stretch among the college students.
起訖頁 73-83
關鍵詞 熱身運動伸展運動靜態伸展動態伸展Warm-upStretchStatic Stretch GroupDynamic Stretch Group
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201403 (3期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 小學健康與體育領域教師教育專業信念與教師壓力之研究
該期刊-下一篇 不同鞋底設計對慢跑時衝擊力之探討




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