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A Study on Teachers’ Educational Profession Beliefs and Stress among Elementary School Teachers in the Field of Health and Physical Education
作者 蕭秋祺潘慧雯
研究旨在探討小學健康與體育領域教師的教育專業信念與教師壓力之現況與關係,以自編之「國小健康與體育領域教師專業信念與教師壓力之研究」量表進行問卷調查,研究對象為341位全國各縣市小學健康與體育領域教師。所得資料經描述性分析、驗證性因素分析、單因子多變項變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及典型相關分析等統計方法處理與分析後,得到許多重要結論,包括:第一,教師普遍具有高度的教育專業信念特徵,以及低度的教師壓力。第二,教師教育專業信念與教師壓力會因教師特質的不同而稍有差異。第三,教師的教育專業信念與教師壓力具有顯著中至低度相關,且教師的教育專業信念對教師壓力具有顯著影響力,教師專業承諾信念與專業成長信念越低者,其感受之上級壓力與教學壓力越高;此外,教師的專業認同、專業服務、專業承諾與專業倫理等構面之專業信念越低者,其教師壓力各構面越高,其中又以專業承諾構面的影響力最大,而同儕壓力受到的影響最大。整體而言,小學健康與體育領域教師的專業信念與教師壓力息息相關,且教師教育專業信念對教師壓力有顯著影響力。 The purpose of this study was to investigate the current educational profession beliefs and stress among elementary school teachers in the field of health and physical education, as well as the relationship between their beliefs and stress. A self-constructed scale titled “A Study on Educational Profession Beliefs and Stress among Elementary School Teachers in the Field of Health and Physical Education” was adopted to conduct a questionnaire survey on 341 teachers in the field of health and physical education from elementary schools all over the Taiwan area. The data extracted from the questionnaire were processed and analyzed with descriptive analysis, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), one-way MANOVA, Pearson product -moment correlation, and canonical correlation analysis. The important conclusions derived included: First, the teachers generally feature high educational profession beliefs and low stress. Secondly, the teachers’ educational profession beliefs and teacher stress slightly vary with teacher characteristics. Thirdly, a significant low correlation exists between teachers’ professional beliefs and teacher stress. Teachers’ professional beliefs have a significant influence on teacher stress. When teachers possess lower educational profession beliefs in terms of the two constructs: professional commitment and professional growth, they perceive higher stress from both their supervisors and teaching. Moreover, when teachers are equipped with lower educational profession beliefs in terms of professional identity, professional services, professional commitment, and professional ethics, they face higher teacher stress in each construct, with professional commitment being the most influential construct and peer pressure being the most affected one. As a whole, for elementary school teachers in the field of health and physical education, their educational profession beliefs and teacher stress are closely related to each another, while teachers’ educational profession beliefs exert a significant influence on teacher stress.
起訖頁 57-72
關鍵詞 小學健康與體育領域教育專業信念教師壓力Elementary SchoolField of Health and Physical EducationTeachers' EducationalProfession BeliefsTeacher Stress
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201403 (3期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 家長式領導行為對賽前狀態性焦慮與團隊滿意度關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 熱身運動與伸展型態對衝刺跑之影響




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