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The constructing of member’s status in mountaineering team
作者 歐宗明
登山蘊涵許多不同於現代運動的獨特活動型式和身體經驗,尌某種程度而言,已遠離社會,在這樣的環境中,對於原有的社會學問題可能頇重新思考。故本文旨在從社會結構觀點出發,採理論分析法,透過理論的視角來解析登山團隊成員活動時身分的組構。經分析後發現,登山成員處在特殊的團隊體系結構中,此體系依其現存結構的運作方式,鋪陳著一條讓登山成員遵循的路,為了順利完成預定計畫及安全下山,促使成員們選擇較可行之路。登山成員在領隊依據團隊工作的分配,授予其特定職掌後,取得團隊中的特定身分,在山下原先外掛的各種先賦身分及成尌身分,被隱匿了。在山上發言權力,通常是依據山上的生活實力重新進行排序,而非沿襲山下的身分,因而暫時切斷登山者原有的人際關係及社會脈絡所帶來的優越和困擾,讓登山者回到人的最原始—裸身的人。 Mountaineering was a unique style of physical activity. In some ways, the activity was far away from society, and was much different with modern sports in bo dy experience. In this kind of special environment, the sociological questions and problems in mountaineering had to be rethought and discussed. The purpose of this study was to analyze, through the theory viewpoint of social structure, the constructing and deconstructing of member ’s status in mountaineering activity, and the method of theory analysis was used. After the analysis and examination, the findings were as follow. The members of mountaineering were in a special structure of team system. The system operated by the existing structure and set a road to be followed by mountaineering members. In order to accomplish the journey and return safely, the members picked a workable road to walk. The members in the mountaineering team were designated specific status and missions by the leader. And the ascribed and achieved status attached to a member would be removed. In the mountaineering journey, the speaking and allocating of right was re-arranged by the mountaineering capability, not by the status in the real society. The superiority and inferiority of social relationship also would be disconnected from the real society, and the member of mountaineering team would be the naked person.
起訖頁 93-105
關鍵詞 登山身分地位登山領隊登山嚮導mountaineeringstatuspositionmountaineering leadermountaineering guide
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201403 (3期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 不同鞋底設計對慢跑時衝擊力之探討




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