淡江日本論叢 Tamkang Japanese Journal |
201812 (38期)期所有篇 |
- 態に関する文法カテゴリーの考察──能動態と受動態を超える領域を目指して關 於語態的語法範疇探討──針對主動語態和被動語態之外的區域(A consideration of grammatical categories on Voice: Aiming at areas beyond active and passive)
- 人工知能AI と外国語翻訳──多和田葉子「献灯使」を例にして 人工智慧AI與外語翻譯:以多和田葉子《獻燈使》為例(Artificial Intelligence AI and foreign language translation: Tawada Yoko's 'The Emissary' as an example for case study)
- 通俗小説と作者/読者の欲望──福田昌夫「若き者の領域」を読む 通俗小說與作者/讀者的慾望──閱讀福田昌夫〈年輕人的領域〉(Popular Literature and the Author / Reader's Desire- Reading Masao Fukuda's “Field of Young People")
- 越境する詩人の群れ──明極楚俊‧竺仙梵僊‧天岸慧広の東行の経路を辿って 越境的詩人群──探索明極楚俊‧竺仙梵僊‧天岸慧広東行的路徑(The transboundary poets: Following up Minki-Soshun, Jikusen-Bonsen, Tengan-Ekoh's the way down east)
- 林子平「父兄訓」之研究(二)──以「教子之道」為中心 林子平の「父兄訓」の研究(二)──「子弟の教え方」を中心に(A Research of Hayashi Shihei's “Fukeikunn" (2): Focusing on “How to Educate Children")