管理資訊計算 Management Information Computing |
201808 (7:特刊2期)期所有篇 |
- 談立法院調查權 Talk about the Investigation Powers of Legislative Yuan
- 聯邦無跡卡爾曼濾波器於雙頻紅外線搜索與追蹤感測器網路之應用研究 Application Study of Federated Unscented Kalman Filter on Dual-Band Infrared Search and Track Sensor Networks
- 全聯門市營運管理之實務性探討 The Study of Retailer Operations Management about PX Mart
- 基于二元對比──灰色和SPA法在餐飲業中的評估 Assessment on the Food Service based on Binary -Grey and SPA
- 以價值共創模型為基礎探討虛擬社群之關鍵因素:臉書粉絲專頁 Evaluation of Critical Factors in the Virtual Community Base on Value Co-Creation Model: Facebook Fan Pages
- 國中生智慧型手機成癮與學業成就之研究 A Study on the Relationships of Smartphone Addiction and Academic Achievement for Junior High School Students
- ERP系統使用績效之實證研究──使用資訊系統成功模式 An Empirical Study on the Performance of ERP System-Use the information system success mode
- 行動學習對多重障礙學生學習成效之研究 A Study of the Effects of Mobile Learning on Multiple Disabilities Students
- 應用多準則決策於貿易公司新進人員之甄選 Application of MCDM to the selection of new employees in a trading company
- 員生消費合作社服務品質、學生滿意度與忠誠度之關係研究 A Research on the Relationships among Service Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty for School Consuming Cooperative
- 軍公教人員之逆境商數、社會支持、工作壓力與身心健康關係之研究 Research on the Relationship among Adversity Quotient, Social Support, Job Stress and Physical/Mental Health of Government employees (military officers, civil servants and teachers)
- 模糊集相似性測度之比較性研究 A Comparative Study on Similarity Measures for Fuzzy Sets
- 產品知識對平行輸入商品之產品態度與購買意圖之影響 The Influence of Product Knowledge on Product Attitude and Purchase Intentions toward Parallel Imports
- 盈餘與現金流量的價值攸關性對薪酬契約的影響 The Relationships between Pay-Performance-Sensitivity and Value Relevance of Earnings and Cash Flows
- 消費者綠色消費與健康意識認知對電子煙使用態度之研究 Effect of Consumer's Green Consumption and Health Awareness on Their Attitude toward the Use of E-cigarette
- 顧客體驗價值對於智慧電動機車購買意願之影響 Impact of Customer Experience Value on Purchase Intention of Smart Motocycle
- 口語式績效評比之分析 On the Analysis of Performance Appraisal using Linguistic Variables
- 玫瑰茄(洛神花;Hibiscus sabdariffa)在健康管理之應用 Hibiscus sabdariffa in health management application
- CONWIP拉式供應鏈系統之模擬研究 A Simulation Study of CONWIP Supply Chain System
- 資訊不對稱、流動性衝擊與公司異常報酬關聯性 The Relationship Between Information Asymmetry, Liquidity Shock and Abnormal Return