中文摘要 |
隨著網際網路的普及與科技產品日新月異,一般大眾取得資訊也愈來愈多元,這也造就每個世代產生不同的主流媒體。有別於一般社會大眾傳播媒體,虛擬社群(virtual community)是能讓成員間分享觀點與交流意見、經驗的網路平台,進而了解社群成員的想法並進行溝通。虛擬社群藉由與成員間的互動,其大學學系的經營理念能擴散快速且更能被社群成員所認同,進而吸引更多的潛在消費者,這是傳統行銷方式較無法達到的。如何找出一個高績效的虛擬社群經營策略則成為企業該對面之重要議題,然而如何經營出成功之虛擬社群平台為一個高複雜度之議題,本文將採用多準則決策(multi-criteria decision-making, MCDM)來探討其成功關鍵因素,本文以臉書(Facebook)做為虛擬社群之研究對象,本文使用層級程序分析法(analytic hierarchy process, AHP)來找出價值共創為基礎之成功虛擬社群的關鍵因素。
As internet connections and electronic devices become popular, people now have multiple sources for information gathering. Virtual community is an internet platform that allows members to exchange opinions and experiences. With virtual community, organizational concepts of academic departments diffuse more quickly, accepted by social media members more easily, and attract more potential consumers. This is less viable for traditional marketing methods. For companies to devise a high performance virtual community operational strategy, it's an important and complex issue. This paper plans to adopt multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) to investigate critical factors for virtual community's success, and Facebook is used as a research object for virtual community. This paper adopts analytic hierarchy process (AHP), in order to identify critical factors of virtual community operation base on value co-creation. |
英文摘要 |
As internet connections and electronic devices become popular, people now have multiple sources for information gathering. Virtual community is an internet platform that allows members to exchange opinions and experiences. With virtual community, organizational concepts of academic departments diffuse more quickly, accepted by social media members more easily, and attract more potential consumers. This is less viable for traditional marketing methods. For companies to devise a high performance virtual community operational strategy, it's an important and complex issue. This paper plans to adopt multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) to investigate critical factors for virtual community's success, and Facebook is used as a research object for virtual community. This paper adopts analytic hierarchy process (AHP), in order to identify critical factors of virtual community operation base on value co-creation. |