中文摘要 |
本研究探討在單一產品的環境下,建構CONWIP(Constant Work-In-Process)拉式供應鏈系統的模擬模型,透過模擬實驗結果來評估分析CONWIP拉式供應鏈在服務水準為90%時的定量存貨水準。系統績效的主要衡量指標:存貨水準、產出率與週期時間。模擬實驗結果顯示,在90%服務水準下,供應鏈各階層作業時間為均勻分配時,定量存貨水準為257單位,而供應鏈各階層作業時間為變異較大的指數分配時,定量存貨水準為554單位。
This research studies the performance of CONWIP supply chain system, and a simulation model is established for experiments. The performance measures used to evaluate are inventory level, throughput, and cycle time. Simulation results show that at the service level of 90%, the constant inventory level is 257 units when the operation times in all stages of the supply chain are uniformly distributed, and the constant inventory level is 554 units when the operation times in all stages of the supply chain are exponentially distributed. |
英文摘要 |
This research studies the performance of CONWIP supply chain system, and a simulation model is established for experiments. The performance measures used to evaluate are inventory level, throughput, and cycle time. Simulation results show that at the service level of 90%, the constant inventory level is 257 units when the operation times in all stages of the supply chain are uniformly distributed, and the constant inventory level is 554 units when the operation times in all stages of the supply chain are exponentially distributed. |