凝視與窺視:李漁〈夏宜樓〉與明清視覺文化 The Gaze and the Peeping: Li Yu’s “Summer Pavilion” and Ming-Qing Visual Culture
電影空間的政治──兩齣五○年代香港電影中的理想空間 The Politics of Cinematic Space: A Study on Two Hong Kong Films from the 1950s
文學/影像的合謀與拮抗──論關錦鵬《紅玫瑰.白玫瑰》、李安《色.戒》和張愛玲原文本的多重互涉 The collaboration and the antagonism between literature and film: The multiple intertextuality of Stanley Kwan's Red Rose White Rose, Ang Lee's Lust, Caution, and Eileen Chang's hypotexts
《左傳》「御」、「僕」考 The Study of “Yu” and “Pu” in Zhuo-Zhuang
從出土漢簡來看《說文》所引漢律令 Looking at the SHUOWEN quotes Han Dynasty Law and Ban from the Unearthed Han Bamboo and Wooden slips
疑古與證古──從康有為到王國維 Questioning vs. Acknowledging Classical Ways - From Kang You-wei to Wang kuo-wei
成人的童話世界──武俠小說的「本體論」 A Study of Fairy Tales for Adults - the Ontology of Wuxia Martial Arts Novels