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The Politics of Cinematic Space: A Study on Two Hong Kong Films from the 1950s
作者 梁秉鈞
Since long, discussions held on Hong Kong’s art and literature events in the 50s have been focused on the way the left and the right confronted with each other in Cold War era. In fact, it is never an easy task keeping art and literature aesthetically and politically balanced. In this article, we take Pearl River Tears and Half Way Down, 2 Hong Kong-made films in the 50s as examples for discussion on the effort to locate an ideal space of their own made by novel writers and film workers of the left and the right. There, the artists could become identified while telling their stories when Hong Kong was considered mostly a city for refugees. Using their own wording and movie languages, the decade of the 50s was told and their ideal space built. Ironically, the two ideologies that appear different did look alike in certain ways.
起訖頁 55-68
關鍵詞 五○年代冷戰年代珠江淚半下流社會The 1950sCold War EraPearl River TearsHalf Way Down
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200806 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 凝視與窺視:李漁〈夏宜樓〉與明清視覺文化
該期刊-下一篇 文學/影像的合謀與拮抗──論關錦鵬《紅玫瑰.白玫瑰》、李安《色.戒》和張愛玲原文本的多重互涉




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