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The Study of “Yu” and “Pu” in Zhuo-Zhuang
作者 黃聖松
This study mainly investigates the difference between ”Yu”(御) and “Pu”(僕) in Zhuo-Zhuang. Under normal circumstances, “Yu” should be in the center of the carriage with “Che Zuo”(車左) on the left and “Che You” (車右) on the right. “Che Zuo” is the one who takes charge of the carriage. If it is on the carriage of the king or the general, “Yu” should be on the left side of the carriage and the king or general in the center. “Che You” is still on the right side of the king or general. Furthermore, according to Zhuo-Zhuang when “Yu” represents the one who is in charge of the carriage, there will be three people on the carriage. In addition, three assumptions could be made to differentiate “Yu” and “Pu”. The first one is the distinction of their identity. The second point is the different gestures they make while riding the carriage. The last assumption is the different carriage they ride. To sum up, the way to make a distinction between “Yu” and “Pu” is by the position they hold on the carriage. “Pu” should be on the right side to ride the carriage, whereas “Yu” in the center or on the left.
起訖頁 101-138
關鍵詞 《左傳》「御」「僕」Zhuo-Zhuang“Yu”“Pu”
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200806 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
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