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Questioning vs. Acknowledging Classical Ways - From Kang You-wei to Wang kuo-wei
作者 張麗珠
From late Ching to Early Minkuo, Kang you-wei viewed Book of Ancient Texts as pseudograph while Wang kuo-wei acknowledged Book of Ancient Texts. These two views seem contradictory with each individual purpose in classics and historical study. The aim of Kang you-wei’s efforts to defy Book of Ancient Texts is to encourage the revolutionary changes suggested in Book of New Texts so that political reform could be initiated through political debates. Despite its political purpose, Kang’s view sided with Book of New Texts, which defy all classical ways. Wang Kuo-wei corrected the established questioning tendency about classical ways, by establishing interacting proofs found in small Learning, ancient etymology, and literature reviews, and by authenticating the trueness of Confucian relic as well as Book of Ancient Texts. Although he didn’t show much concerns about strengths and weakness nor the rise of fall of Books of New Texts and Book of Ancient Texts, the accomplishment of his authentication is of great influence in the study of classics. Kang you-wei’s and Wang kuo-wei’s doctrines help the record of development of questioning tendency from late Ching to early Minkuo, providing a specific historical clue of the rise and fall of Book of New Texts and Books of Ancient Texts, as well as the development of classics study.
起訖頁 167-188
關鍵詞 偽古文說古經新解維新變法新證古史二重證據法Pseudo Book of Ancient TextsNew insight into Book of Ancient TextsWeixin reformNew criticism of ancient history
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 200806 (9期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
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該期刊-下一篇 成人的童話世界──武俠小說的「本體論」




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