201606 (25期)期所有篇 |
- 「詩比興」的「言語倫理」功能及其效用 Ethical Function of Bi-Xing in Classic Chinese Poetry
- 「回歸」的文化焦慮--1995年的《今天•香港文化專輯》與2007年的《今天•香港十年》 Cultural anxiety of Hong Kong's “return” to China: from “Special Issue on Hong Kong Culture” (1995) and “Hong Kong Ten Years Special Issue” (2007) of literature journal Today
- 文學史「如何香港」的設想--鄭樹森、黃繼持、盧瑋鑾香港文學「三人談」與陳國球〈香港文學大系總序〉 On frameworks of Hong Kong Literary History: From William Tay, Wong Kai Chee and Lo Wai Luen' s “A Dialogue of Three Editors” to Chan Kwok Kou Leonard's Foreword of the Compendium of Hong Kong Literature
- 浮城/我城:從澳門小說看回歸後澳門形象的變與不變 Floating City / My City: Differences and Similarities in Macau Novels after the Return to China
- 論魏晉時期的嫂叔服議 The research of discussion for the mourning practice between younger brother and elder sister in law in Wei and Jin dynasty
- 從超世絕群到入世隨俗:論祝允明〈大游賦〉中大人形象的衍異 From Aloofness to Following Folk Customs: A Study Investigating the Changes in the Image of Great Man in “Da Yo Fu” of Yun-ming Zhu
- 「待解」之學說--陳大齊對《孟子》「性」論的檢討 The Theory “Waiting to Be Solved”: Ta-Tsi Chen's Review on Human Nature in Mencius
- 茅盾《蝕》三部曲中的身體想像與敘述──兼及與張春帆《紫蘭女俠》之比較 Imagination and Description of the Body: Mao Dun's Trilogy ‘Eclipse' and A Comparison with Chang Chunfan's ‘Violet Heroine'
- 中國傳記書寫的創舉