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From Aloofness to Following Folk Customs: A Study Investigating the Changes in the Image of Great Man in “Da Yo Fu” of Yun-ming Zhu
作者 王欣慧
The category of open-minded Fu in “Li Tai Fu Hui” of Yuan-long Chen in the Qing Dynasty collected “Da Yo Fu” of unconventional scholar, Yun-ming Zhu, in Wuzhong in the Ming Dynasty. In this category of Fu, the most representative Fu is “Da Ren Fu” of Xiang-ru Sima. Apparently, “Da Yo Fu” shares similar writing tone with “Da Ren Fu,” namely, “to become a deity.” However, according to the scrutiny of the texts, “Da Yo Fu,” which consists of nearly 20,000 words, not only retains the narrative structure of trips of great man and the spirit of under-appreciation of scholars, but also discusses about political situation at the time from a wide range of perspectives. It reflects the significant spirit of saving the world of Confucianism, which is different from the spirt of Taoism reflected in writing about great man after Han and Wei Dynasties. Based on “Da Ren Fu” of Xiang-ru Sima and “Da Ren Xian Sheng Zhuan” of Ruan Ji, this study carefully summarized the “great man” in the writing of Zhu. This study found that Zhu's writing about great man reflects the writing style of “great man” in the Han and Wei Dynasties, as well as displays unique existence under the change of time which is different from that in the past. Therefore, this study further investigated the reason why “great man” in Zhu's writing did not follow that in the Han and Wei Dynasties from the perspective of cultural research. This study mainly interpreted the living field of literati in the Ming Dynasty, including the influence of unique imperial examination in the Ming Dynasty on literati's civil service, as well as restrictions on aloofness of literati imposed by social economy after the mid-Ming Dynasty, in order to clarify the cause of change in the image of great man in “Da Yu Fu.”
起訖頁 191-221
關鍵詞 祝允明大游賦大人賦大人先生傳大人形象Yun-ming ZhuDa Yu FuDa Ren Xian Sheng ZhuanImage of great man
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201606 (25期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論魏晉時期的嫂叔服議
該期刊-下一篇 「待解」之學說--陳大齊對《孟子》「性」論的檢討




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