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The research of discussion for the mourning practice between younger brother and elder sister in law in Wei and Jin dynasty
作者 狄君宏
Owing to the absence of words or phrases in English, this summary uses transliteration to translate the concept of the mourning practice between younger brother and elder sister in law, which are “saoshuwufu” (嫂叔無服) and “saoshuyoufu” (嫂叔有服) and “saoshufuyi” (嫂叔服議). This article start with the discussion of the meaning of “qin qin” (親親), which mainly refers to the blood relatives in the traditional mourning system. Therefore, the relationship between elder sister and younger brother in law shall not be considered as “qin qin”. Furthermore, because of their frequent intercourse, they shall not mourn for each other. Secondly, discussing the relevant provisions of saoshuwufu (嫂叔無服) in traditional mourning system, Jiang Ji, Cheng Can, Cao Xi who proposed “saoshuyoufu” by re-interpretation of the classics, or claim that there are profound emotions between younger brother and elder sister in law. Thirdly, expounding the reason why the mourning practice between younger brother and elder sister in law had been put forward in Wei Jin dynasty. The reason including the circulating of “Sangfu”, the prospering of family institution, and the influence of war and disease to social thoughts. This section is the most important part of this article. The last part of the article focuses on researching the connection between people who proposed saoshufuyi (嫂叔服議) and the advocates of nature in metaphysics. The two groups faced the same period factor but adopted different strategies, the former reformed feudal ethics rites, instead of confronting the rites.
起訖頁 159-189
關鍵詞 魏晉喪服服議嫂叔有服嫂叔無服Wei and Jin dynastymourningthe discussion for the mourning practicesaoshuyoufusaoshuwufu
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201606 (25期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 浮城/我城:從澳門小說看回歸後澳門形象的變與不變
該期刊-下一篇 從超世絕群到入世隨俗:論祝允明〈大游賦〉中大人形象的衍異




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