中國近代文教趨勢與《水滸傳》的商業出版(1919-1949) Cultural and Educational Trends in Modern China and the Commercial Publication of the Outlaws of the Marsh 水滸傳 (1919-1949)
清末民初「純」和「通俗」文學的大分歧 Popular Literature and the “Great Divide” in Early 20th-Century China
《黔書》的治書框架與西南審美經驗 Aesthetic Pursuit and Practical Information in The Qian Account 黔書
周瘦鵑與紫羅蘭――文本建構與民國時期愛情、婚姻與家庭 Zhou Shoujuan 周瘦鵑 and Violet: Textual Formation and Love, Marriage and Family in the Republican Era
1920年代上海的畫家、知識份子與裸體視覺文化——以張競生〈裸體研究〉為中心 Artists, Intellectuals, and the Visual Culture of Unclothed Bodies in 1920s Shanghai: Zhang Jingsheng’s 張競生 “A Study of Unclothed Bodies”