彰化師大文學院學報 NCUE Journal of Humanities |
201706 (14-15合刊期)期所有篇 |
- 王靜芝《詩經通釋》析評 The Research of “Shih-Jing-Tong-Shi” which written by Wang-Jing-Zhi
- 印順對現代新儒家的理解與評騭 Yin-shun’s insightful understanding and criticism of contemporary New Confucianism
- 唐代僧侶與寫經眾的書法研究 The Study of Calligraphy of Monks and Buddhist Sutras Manuscript Makers In Tang Dynasty
- 洪繻《寄鶴齋詩話》對漢文化正統的繼承與時代之變/辨 Inheritance of traditional Han cultures and the changes and distinction between time periods: A case study of Hong Xu’s Jihezhai Shihua
- 歸屬何錯之有?反思哈尼夫.庫雷希《郊區佛陀》中之離散 What’s Wrong with Belonging? Rethinking Diaspora in Hanif Kureishi’s The Buddha of Suburbia
- 三位國際外籍學生對英文閱讀札記寫作之觀點研究 Assessing Three International Students’ Perceptions of Reflective Journal Writing and Its Role in Developing Better Competences for Academic Literacy