親密關係暴力:臺灣女性之受暴與求助經驗 Intimate Partner Violence: Taiwanese Women's Experience of Abuse and Help-Seeking
林經濟弱勢少年半工半讀經驗與憂鬱情緒之相關性:壓力過程觀點 The associations between part-time work and depressive mood among economically disadvantaged adolescents: From a stress process perspective
藝術在社會工作教育與實務實施的運用 Application of Art in the Education and Practice of Social Work
是「控制」還是「支持」?從「科層體制」觀點探討軍隊社會工作者的倫理困境 "Control"or"Support"? The Ethical Dilemmas of Military Social Worker from the Perspective of Bureaucracy