臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
201407 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣女性愛滋病毒感染者生活經驗初探質性研究 The Qualitative Research of Life Experience of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan
- 社會團體工作課程教學成效初探:校外團體實作訓練 A Preliminary Evaluation of Course Effectiveness of Social Group Work: Off-campus Group Work Training
- 臺灣社會工作人員的一般健康初探 The Study Explores the General Health of Social Workers in Taiwan
- 旗山偏鄉早療中心資源連結合作之困境與策略 Dilemmas and Strategies of Resource Linkage and Cooperation in Remote Areas: the Case of Cishan Early Intervention Center