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The Qualitative Research of Life Experience of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Taiwan
作者 蔡春美
目的:本研究目的欲了解台灣女性愛滋病毒感染者的生活經驗。方法:研究方法採用質性研究典範,共9 名女性感染者同意接受1-2小時的深入訪談,最後進行錄音逐字稿的分析,描繪出女性感染者的生活樣貌。結果:1.受訪者過去從不認為自己有感染愛滋病毒的風險,「被動檢驗」才知道自己感染,當下產生許多生命威脅、親密關係、信任、居住、人我關係等危機;加上擔心傳染他人,陷入焦慮、自責、悲傷中。2.因為感染愛滋身分帶來的衝擊包括:壓抑性與親密關係需求、承擔經濟壓力、感染身分說不出口的情結、面臨人際與家人關係衝突、親職角色功能受阻、看不見自己的健康需求、因應就醫的鴻溝、自我價值降低等層面。3.初次告知的經驗與之後就醫及疾病適應情形有關。4.女性感染者生活在有限的做決定能力、缺乏財務資源、交通不便、必須照顧小孩與家人的生活中,亦較無法獲得愛滋照護的資訊與管道。5.愛滋成了建立關係的關卡。結論建議:1.綜觀女性感染者的生活經驗,就像是「無言人生—因信任而受傷」,三大壓力源為親密關係、告知、經濟。2.為了提供女性感染者更穩定的生活,實務工作上建議提供經濟就業輔導、伴侶與親密關係諮詢、女性感染者支持團體;政策面強化醫療資源跨科別的整合。
Purpose: the purpose of this study was to understand the life experience of HIV infected women in Taiwan. Method: This study used a qualitative research paradigm. We recruited 9 infected women. After completed the informed consent, each participant had 1 to 2hours of recorded in-depth interviews with the use of the interview outline. After the interview, the researchers were able to put together the lives appearance of the HIV infected women by the analysis of the verbatim records. Findings: 1.All respondents never consider themselves might be infected with HIV in the past. After the "passive screening", they been noticed that they are HIV infected, they began to produce many life-threatening, intimacy, trust, residential, people relationship crisis, coupled with worried about the transmission to others and further developed anxiety, self-blame and sadness. 2.The impact of life after infection: (1)suppress sex and intimacy needs, (2)undertake financial burden, (3)disclosure dilemma, (4)interpersonal relationship conflict, (5)the fear of transmission affects the role of motherhood, (6)ignore their health issues, (7)the gap to acquired the medical services, (8)low self-esteem. 3. At the beginning the participants will inform others in order to relieve the pressure, but the response will affect the situation on the future infection identity adaptation. 4.What their life experience is limited ability to make decisions, lack of financial resources, inconvinent to transport, must take care of the children and their families etc., also they cannot get HIV care information and services. 5. HIV became the checkpoints of establishing relationship. Conclusion and Suggestion: 1.Looking at the journey of the HIV infected women is like the "silent life-trust to jury". There are three major stressors: intimacy, disclosure and financial. 2. In order to assist them in obtaining a stable life, we recommended work practices provide economic employment counseling, couples and intimacy counseling, and female living with HIV support groups, besides, from the policy to strengthen the integration of cross-divisions medical resources.
起訖頁 1-55
關鍵詞 女性研究愛滋病毒感染者生活經驗生殖健康烙印WLWHA(women living with HIV/AIDS)Life ExperienceStigmaFemale ResearchReproductive Health
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201407 (14期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-下一篇 社會團體工作課程教學成效初探:校外團體實作訓練




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